God is good!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Our Story In Print...God Is Good!
God is good!
Monday, October 27, 2008
"Homemade Pizza" I'm in the cooking mood.
Powdered garlic... (it's also yummy to use some fresh also)
Italian seasoning
Oregano seasoning
I jar of spaghetti sauce
2 tomatoes
1 zucchini
1 onion
1bag of mozzarella cheese
1bag of Mexican Style four cheese (finely shredded)
Okay, I start by browning in a skillet a small amount of hamburger and drain off the grease. Then I heavily season with the Italian seasoning. (set this aside for later)
Pre-heat oven to 425*
Then, in a bowl I mix my pizza crust (follow the directions on box) It's very simple. All you do is add water stir and let sit for 5 minutes in a warm place. Then, after 5 minutes you are supposed to knead it on a floured board...But, this is where I stray a bit. Instead of kneading on a floured board, I spray my hands with "Pam" cooking spray and I also spray the ball of dough. Then, I sprinkle the counter with tons of powered garlic and I knead the dough on top of the garlic blending it within the dough. I use a lot of garlic and it's even good at this point if you have it to press some fresh garlic into the dough. Respray the dough and roller with pam often if needed. I then roll it out onto the pizza stone or pan. If you are using a pan rather then a stone, spray the pan first.
After the dough is spread out, put it in the oven for 2-3 minutes then take it out and begin adding your toppings.
(The crust is semi cooked)
I place toppings in the following order upon the crust:
I first spread the crust with my spaghetti sauce. Then, I season with more Italian seasoning and some oregano seasoning. Add your hamburger, onions (if you like them), zucchini, (about 1/2 inch thick slices..maybe just a bit smaller),sliced mushrooms, mozzarella cheese, Mexican cheese, sprinkle again with some Italian seasoning and oregano seasoning, and lastly top with (thinly sliced) tomatoes.
Then I place into the oven and bake for 18-20 minutes or until the top and crust is golden brown.
It's so pretty to have the tomato's on top over the different colored cheeses. I know that putting the zucchini on pizza sounds odd but, believe it or not, everyone is surprised and loves it. This pizza is very thick and very filling. Most people can only eat a few slices and are stuffed.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Pizza Soup...Yumm!
1 jar of spaghetti sauce
1 can of diced tomatoes
(In a skillet) Cook a small amount of hamburger meat (drain off grease) and heavily season with oregano & Italian Seasoning. (Add it to your soup)
Throw in some frozen mixed veggies, a bit of frozen chopped spinach, yellow zucchini, and a few cut-up slices of pepperoni or summer sausage, and a 1/2 of a sm. can of sliced olives.
Salt to taste
Boil it all together and it's done!
One of the cool things about making this soup is that you only use a small amount of your ingredients (Veggies, olives, summer sausage, zucchini, spinich) and I freeze the left over ingredients and then have more to make on another day.
I serve it with a long skinny loaf of freshly heated, French Baggett bread. Yummmm!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Starting Injections
Levi was my buddy today and he was a pretty good boy for the most part. He did decide to dig his powder out from my purse and shook it all over himself and the chair he was sitting on. LOL Other than that, he did fine.
The doctor’s office was great. They set me up with my first month’s worth of Byette and needles. The Byette shots are taken twice daily. They also gave me an inhaler, and a new box of Accu Strips (Yay!), and sent me to the lab to get blood drawn for my levels to be checked.
This is the nice looking young man named Cordeus (Isn’t that a great name?) that drew my blood for the level check. He was very sweet and allowed me to take his picture for my blog. LOL
Giving yourself injections is such a creepy thought. My heart goes out to those that have to do it and don’t have a choice about it. My doctor recommended this for me a few months ago, but I just couldn’t get myself to accept it. Then, this last month, I just felt I was ready. I knew that in order to do an embryo adoption, I’d have to do injections for my body to accept the embryos and also because I am a diabetic, I would have to switch to injections for the pregnancy. So, I figure that there is no way around it; I should accept it, bite the bullet, and start the Byette now.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
4-Wheeling and Loving It!
We had a blast!!
Richard was loving it!
Levi with Daddy
Addison decided at one point to flip hers and amazed us all that she walked away without a scratch and was back up and at em’ within a few minutes.
Will kept everyone safe and having fun. He’s very good at making sure no one gets hurt and everyone’s 4 wheeler was in tip-top working condition. We just have such a blast with their family. Shay and I have no problem keeping a conversation going and Levi and Madison played and bonded on the trampoline.
Will with Levi
After becoming completely covered with dirt from head to toe, we all took showers and recouped our aching muscles in the hot tub. Who would have guessed I’d have gotten on a 4 wheeler and had such a blast?
Bailey with her dirt mustache
Our kid’s birth families are constantly challenging me to step out beyond my comfort zone and try new things. Addison’s birth family took Bailey for her first HUGE roller coaster ride (I was one freaked out Mamma for that one) LOL. Then, this summer, Will threw me into the lake so now, I’m over my fear of DEEP,DARK, SCARY, Possibly Shark infested (it could happen…LOL) water and love boating.
Me and Levi... Yes, my baby was ridding them too and loving it! We went very slow!!! Hahaha
Spending time with my children’s birth families is a part of my life I would never change and thank the Lord for all the time.
Monday, October 13, 2008
In Loving Arms
It’s in these quiet moments when I’m left alone with my thoughts that I struggle with this. I cry and feel just as my son, as his father left for the football game without him. He couldn't understand why he was being left behind. Why he had to stay when his father knew how much he enjoyed going. I watched as his little heart broke and his sobs for me to allow him to go seemed to go unheard. I being his mother knew that he was sick; it would not be good for him to be in the night air at the game. Although, it hurt my heart to see him feel so disappointed and upset, I did what was best for him because I love him.
He lay there for quite awhile until he felt better and accepted that he was not going and would miss the game. A bit later he was talking of other things and excited to go play with his sister.
Today, with my doctor appointment, the doctor gave me the choice. She could tell by my sonogram taken last week that the lining of my uterus appeared to not have changed in the last 6 months. Knowing how painful the biopsy would be, she really didn’t want to do it if it wasn't necessary. For the briefest of moments, I was completely relieved. But then, I heard that ever so soft and very familiar voice speak to my heart. I would need this biopsy to have current proof that I am cancer free if I am to do an embryo adoption. In that brief moment, I felt a sense that I was choosing more than just whether or not to do the biopsy, but rather whether or not this road the Lord has me on is worth the pain. In that moment I knew; it was, and I would willingly choose to suffer for whatever that Lord has for me. I’ve often said that,
Lord Jesus, thank you for all You have done in my life. Thank you for every difficult and hard thing You have walked me through. I trust You with the building of our family and only desire what You desire for me. Teach me to trust You with the “Why's” that erupts from my longing and settle the sorrow that the waiting has upon my heart. You are such a loving God and it is so deep within my heart to please You.
Apple Crisp, A Fever...And A Great Love For My Daughter
Richard and Bailey were my photographers
1 ½ c. sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
Mix well, then add 2 beaten eggs. Mix with a fork and make crumbs. Sprinkle on top of apples. Pour 1 c. melted butter over the top. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake in a 350* oven for 45 minutes.
I had the ingredients out and the apples sliced. Everything was going well until...
Most likely due to my fever, this is where I messed up. I forgot to add the eggs before I dumped the mixture onto the apples. LOL
Okay back on track... adding the eggs.
I did not dump all of this butter on it. Again... Blame it on the fever I melted too much butter. LOL
WALLLAH! It's done! Pretty yummy looking considering all things. :))
While the apple crisp was baking, my sister Janene came over and took some pictures of Levi and Addison outside. This one turned out so cute of the two of them.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Bailey's 16th Birthday
For her birthday she gets to go to the mall with her friends and pick out her presents. We let her color her hair dark brown and she got her favorite teen movie “Step Up” …a bunch of break dancing. Will (Bailey’s birth father) dropped by in the morning and brought a gift for Bailey’s birthday. I was so touched that he’d driven the hour drive to bring it.
A little later that afternoon, Michelle (her birth mother) came over and brought her “Step up 2” and a hand crocheted blanket that was made my Michelle’s grandmother. I thought this was touching. I told Bailey that this was a piece of her birth heritage and that she needed to always treasure it.
Here are the gifts waiting on the table for Bailey when she got home. I thought it was funny that Will’s gift bag and Michelle’s gift bags both matched the ones we’d chosen for Bailey’s birthday. I guess we were all thinking the same thing this year… “NO PINK”
This is Bailey opening her gift from Will, Shay, and Madison.
She loved it! Here room is decked out in Kansas University and she's nuts about the Jayhawks.
He also gave her a very funny card.
I can't help but be a bit emotional this year as I think about Bailey growing up and becoming such a beautiful young lady. She's no longer that tiny little baby I once held in my arms and couldn't take my eyes off of. I thought I might burst into tears as I talked with Will in my kitchen, about how we only have just a few more years and she will be sprouting her own independent wings. She talks of going to Bible College with her best friend Brie and then wanting to become a police officer. Honestly, I couldn't be more proud and I know she'll do great at both. I just hope I'm strong enough to allow her to venture out there on her own to do it. Uuugghh!
Thank You Lord Jesus for the gift that Bailey has been to my life. What a complete joy! Continue to watch over her as she takes those steps towards her goals in life and becomes who You've made her to be. I pray that she will always understand the love that surrounds her between, her family and her birth families.... And may she never question, for even a moment, the purposes You've held for her life. It's my prayer Lord Jesus, that she will always know You and walk with You... Trusting You always for whatever You hold for her life. And Lord, may she see the beauty You've brought to those who've sorrowed for children and know how comforting her life story has been for those without hope. You truly are an amazing God...
Thank You for our Bailey!